
Triad Management

Triad Management provides services to both residential and commercial properties among which are the following:

  • Prospective tenant evaluation and rental.
  • Annual computer registration for rent stabilized apartments, vacancy decontrol, luxury decontrol, etc.
  • J-51 filing for major capital improvements.
  • Retrieval of DHCR, Building Department, City Register and Department of Finance documents.
  • Department of Transportation filings for sidewalk improvements, canopies, etc.
  • Maintenance of mechanical systems and referral to qualified, licensed professionals for major projects.
  • Supervision of major capital improvements and alterations.
  • Evaluation of bids for construction, major maintenance and renovation.
  • Referral to qualified architects, engineers, legal and other professionals as required.
  • Employment and supervision of building maintenance employees.

Let Triad Management
take care of your property

Call us Today 718.729.7634
